Monday, September 22, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just an average middle of the week day, except Aunt Katie came back to Eldridge a day early.  It was my mom's birthday today so Katie decided to hang out with her today.  That also meant that Katie got to hang out with Grayson a little bit too.  She came over to our apartment tonight and Grayson got to show her lots of things like his bed and his little hiding space underneath it. He is a master at climbing in and closing the door without pinching his fingers.   He got a little crazy and nutty while she was here.  I thought he would never fall asleep tonight.  He is really into giving hugs and kisses before he falls asleep now too.  I had given him a kiss the other night and left the room. He called out for me a few minutes later and so I went back in and I was like what now??? and he goes KISS!!!! He still had to give me a kiss.  Grayson's other new thing is being a back seat driver.  I think every time we are going anywhere especially if I am parking or backing out anywhere he says "watch out mommy."  Sometimes he is screaming it like that one time in rush hour traffic.  I was merging onto I-80 off of the 61 exit.... I almost peed my pants.  

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I know bad parenting but its a bad ass picture.  He survived with no bruises or broken bones. All boy.

1st Post

We have slowly been working on using the potty.  So far no action in the big potty but we like to hang out there sometimes.  Unfortunately he has flushed a few wash clothes down the toilet too.  He just flushed wash cloth #2 this morning.  I was in another room and I heard the toilet flush and he came in to let me know that he had flushed a wash cloth for me.  Thanks...

This is basically how our whole weekend is going. Rainy and wet.  We have been bumming around the apartment.  I have been cleaning the apartment and Grayson has been helping by demolishing whatever wherever I have been. 
Yesterday was the Iowa, Iowa State football game. Grayson thought he wanted to watch it but about 3 minutes into the game he decided he wanted to watch one of his DVDs instead.  We ended up going to Target so I could get my Starbucks and Grayson could get his Thomas the Train movie.  When we got home I was surprised to learn that he has no interest in the movie... Just the idea of the movie I guess.  I am hoping this is just one of his stubborn moments.  Knowing him, he will end up loving the movie in like 2 days.  
Lately Grayson has really been interested in playing catch.   I will be going to t-ball games sooner than I think.  He has a pretty good arm.  He is pretty impressed with himself especially when he catches one.  It's all about the hand - eye coordination...